Meet the team

  • Elsie Staple (Leader)
  • Keith Allen
  • Yvonne Cummins
  • George Kabambe
  • Penny Thompson
  • Jacqui Christopher
  • Maureen Mullings
  • Earl Easton

What’s in the Name (the name of the team)

The work of the 2 ministries Stewardship and Personal Ministries are closely entwined.  So instead of having to repeat the words all the time, the word STEPERS will be used.

The STEPERS – pronounced “Steppers”.

Gives the connotation of moving forward and upward, “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12;2)

STE (from Stewardship) and PERS (from Personal Ministries).

What is Stewardship?

It is a biblical principle. It means that you are a steward. A steward is one who manages or oversees the property of what has been entrusted to them. A faithful steward functions according to the wishes and instructions and for the profit of the owner rather than immediate personal benefits. Therefore Christian stewardship is the execution of God’s desires. Luke 12:42 and suggests that the Lord is looking for the faithful and wise steward

The vision: Disciples making disciples 

The aim of the department is

All In Ministry (AIM) or Total Membership Involvement: enlisting every member in an active soul winning service for God through prayer (7 fasting), bible study and witness!

The ultimate goal of STEPERS is saving souls!

The Method (Jesus method)

A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. A person who accepts Jesus Christ, follows Him and make disciples along the way

Application of Jesus Method (Utilisation the different steps of His method)

Christ method alone will bring true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, won their confidence. Then He bade them “Follow Me” (Ministry of Healing page 143)

God’s great love for humanity is what will compel us to act!

  1. The Saviour mingled with men! We are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:31). We are not a salt shaker to sprinkle on the food but to mix. Mix with people
  2. He showed His sympathy – the sympathising Christ- He sympathized with and sympathized together- thus having compassion which literally means com- with, passion- a strong feeling of emotion
  3. Ministered to their needs. We cannot do this unless we mingle and show compassion. He is the Great Physician (Mark 2:15-17), the Bread of life (St John 6:35), the Living Water (St John 7:37-39). Therefore, for Christ the people and their needs came first not programmes but Christ HE is the answer to our needs
  4. He won their confidence. He was a trusted Friend. As He was, we to should be trusted. Trust awakens trust and distrust awakens distrust. So, we being the salt in someone’s life should be   reliable, loyal and trustworthy
  5. “Follow Me”. This means to be guided by, to model after and to obey. As Jesus invited people to Him so we must do the same. Since we have already won their confidence and they trust, we can now introduce them to the Saviour

The Gospel should be presented as a living force to change life

4 Principles of Christian Stewardship

  • Accountability
  • Ownership
  • Responsibility
  • Reward


The process

Throughout the year there will be training sessions and targeted events

Every month there will be an article on the 5 T’s of stewardship:

  • time
  • talent
  • trash (environment)
  • treasure
  • temple