Keeping Safe in Lock Down
Along with John (3 John 1:2), we pray that you may be in good health during these very uncertain times and long periods of lockdown. Safeguarding our children and vulnerable adults is as important now as it ever been and the purpose of this flyer is to help you think about keeping yourself, family and vulnerable church members safe during this time of crisis. We urge you to be vigilant, as the most vulnerable among us may be at a particularly higher risk of suffering harm at this difficult time.
Families Together 24/7
Family life as we know it as changed drastically since mid March when schools closed and families were suddenly thrown together night and day, without the respite of work or school. Instead of the average three to four hours a day spent together, families are having to adjust to life in lockdown with no escape from each other, in some cases. But is this a trial to be endured or an opportunity to be grasped?
Try to plan a routine with the children, times for exercise, schoolwork, free time, recreation etc. It is also important to try and have some alone time as well if possible.
Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility, therefore everyone who comes into contact with children have a responsibility for keeping them safe. No single person can have a full picture of a child’s needs, therefore we should all be vigilant to circumstances when children and families may require help to provide support at the right time and safeguard the child.
Everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. The church would like to extend our support to members who would like advice or support with any safeguarding concerns they may have during this difficult time.
Domestic Abuse
We know that this is a difficult and worrying time for everyone, but particularly for adults and children living with abuse.
The lock down has seen a significant increase in call outs to the police for domestic related incidents.
If you are concerned about yourself, family members or neighbours and would like advice on what support is available please see the following contacts.
Useful Contacts
- The Police – Emergency – 999 Non-emergency – 101
- Crimestoppers (Give crime information anonymously) 0800555111 or at
- ADVANCE (Support and advocacy for male and female victims/survivors of domestic abuse) 07393454898
- The Asian Women’s Resource Centre (Support for women experiencing domestic abuse, including women with no recourse to public funds) 02089615701
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline 08082000247
- Women’s Aid Live Chat ( If it’s unsafe or you’re unable to speak on the phone)
- Men’s Advice Line (Support for Male Victims and Survivors) 08088010327
- RESPECT (Support and advice for perpetrators of abuse) 08088024040 or Live Webchat
- The Sharan Project (Support for South Asian Women) 08445043231
Child Safeguarding
The Lock down has increased the stress felt by many families. Home schooling, having to find alternative child care arrangements, financial difficulties, illness and bereavement, sibling rivalry and worry about our children’s mental health are just a few of the stressors that can play a significant factor and impact on how we function as parents. Children’s social care and the NSPCC have both reported an increase of calls to their service for concerns relating to child abuse.
If you are concerned about a child contact your local authority Safeguarding team. Some neighbouring borrows to Brent are also listed below:
- Brent Family Front Door – 020 8937 4300
- Out of hours – 020 8863 5250
- Harrow MASH – 020 8901 2690
- Out of hours – 020 8424 0999
- Ealing MASH – 020 8825 8000
- Out of hours – 020 8825 8000
- Hillingdon MASH – 01895 556633
- Out of hours – 01895 556633
- Hammersmith and Fulham MASH – 020 8753 6600
Out of hours 020 8748 8588
- NSPCC Keeping children safe/Coronavirus advice and support for families and parents have advice about Talking to your children about Coronavirus, managing family arguments and conflict, working from home, children home alone and internet safety. - NSPCC- Supporting children with educational needs and disabilities. Advice for parents and carers, on supporting SEND children, during coronavirus (COVID-19). - NSPCC Coronavirus lockdown and separated parents. Advice For parents. - Support for Parent’s : keeping children safe online. - Support for Parent’s : keeping children safe from abuse and harm - Child Bereavement support – Support for children who have been bereaved - Children and young people mental well being
Adult Abuse
The Recent lockdown has seen an increase of reported adult related abuse. Domestic abuse incidents towards the elderly have increased as well as concerns relating to Neglect, Mental health, isolation, Physical and Financial abuse.
If you are concerned for a neighbour, family or friend who may be in need of support please contact your local authority Adult safeguarding team. Contact details available on your local government website or NHS Safeguarding APP.
- Brent safeguarding Adult – 020 8937 4098/4099
- Out of hours – 020 8863 5250
- Harrow MASH – 020 8420 9453
- Out of hours – 020 8420 9453
- Ealing MASH – 020 8825 8000
- Out of hours – 020 8825 5000
- Hillingdon MASH – 01895 556633
- Out of hours – 01895 556633
- Hammersmith and Fulham MASH – 020 8753 6610
- Out of hours 020 8748 8588
You can also visit these websites for further provision.
- Samaritans
Confidential support, for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Website: - Alzheimer’s Society
Provides information on dementia, including factsheets and helplines.
Phone: 0333 150 3456 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and 10am to 4pm on weekends)
Website: - Mencap
Charity working with people with a learning disability, their families and carers.
Phone: 0808 808 1111 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Website: - Bereavement
Cruse Bereavement Care
Phone: 0808 808 1677 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
If you wish to download this information then please click the link below.

Pastor Mario Phillip Surgery
‘You’ve Got A Friend’ – Live Online Pastoral Surgery
Every Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm – 4pm
Make an appointment with the Church Clerk: Sis D Harvey