Adventist Education is central to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. And at its very core is Jesus.
The Mission of Adventist Education is to enable learners to develop a life of faith in God, and to use their knowledge, skills and understandings to serve God and humanity.
The Vision of Adventist Education is for every learner to excel in faith, learning and service, blending Biblical truth and academic achievement to honour God and bless others.
At Willesden Seventh-day Adventist Church we will promote the importance of Adventist Education. Here in the United Kingdom we have a College, 2 Secondary Schools, 7 Primary Schools and 1 Day Nursery.
- Newbold College of Higher Education – https://www.newbold.ac.uk/
- Stanborough Secondary School – http://www.spsch.org/
- The Eden School (Secondary & Primary) – http://theedenschool.com/
- Harper Bell Primary School – https://www.harperbellsdaschool.co.uk/
- Fleetwood Primary School – https://fletewoodschool.co.uk/
- Newbold Primary School – https://www.newboldschool.co.uk/
- Stanborough Primary School – http://www.stanboroughprimary.org.uk/
- Hyland House Primary School – https://hylandhouseschool.org/
- Dudley House Primary School – http://dudleyhouseschool.co.uk/
- Andrew Memorial Day Nursery on the premises of Willesden SDA Church
All schools promote the Seventh-day Adventist ethos and children are taught in small classes with qualified teachers and most benefit from having classroom assistants.
Each institution is operated by the Church and has their own fee-paying structure.
All schools, welcome children and young people from all denominations and cultures.